
Porciones: 4

½ kg de carne

1 tomate, partido en cuartos

2 papas, picadas en cubos

3 zanahorias, picadas

½ cabeza de repollo, picado

4 dientes de ajo, picados

6 cucharaditas de perejil, picado

1 cucharada de sal

¼ de cucharadita de comino molido

60 ml de jugo de limón fresco



Preparación: 5mins  ›  Tiempo de cocción: 3horas  ›  Listo en:3horas5mins

Colocar la carne, el tomate, las papas, la cebolla, la zanahoria, el repollo, el ajo, sal, comino y 5 cucharaditas de perejil en una olla grande a fuego bajo. Agregar suficiente agua como para cubrir y revolver bien. Tapar y cocinar a fuego suave durante 2 horas.

Destapar, revolver y cocinar destapada durante 1 hora más. Servir caliente y por último agregar jugo de limón a gusto y el resto del perejil justo antes de servir.

100 gr mushrooms poplar
100 gr shiitake mushrooms
100 gr thistle mushrooms
1 small can of roasted red peppers
1 Iberian chorizo
2 cups rice
4 cups beef or vegetable broth
extra virgin olive oil
Servings: 4
½ kg of meat
1 tomato, match in quarters
2 potatoes, chopped into cubes
3 carrots, chopped
½ head of cabbage, chopped
4 cloves of garlic, chopped
6 teaspoons of parsley, chopped
1 tablespoon of salt
¼ teaspoon ground cumin
60 ml of fresh lemon juice

The Louisiana Department of Education announced the creation of the Louisiana School Finder, an interactive online tool designed to help families more easily locate and evaluate schools and child care centers across the state. The tool, which hosts detailed information about each site’s offerings and academic performance, will be unveiled November 7 with the release of the annual school performance scores and the first-ever early childhood performance profiles.
Among its many features, the Louisiana School Finder provides families with:
school performance scores and early childhood performance ratings that show how well schools and centers are preparing students for the next grade-level;
listings of course offerings, clubs, enrichment and extracurricular activities;

a comparison tool and filters to allow users to customize their search and identify the schools and early childhood centers that are the right fit for their child; and

basic information about schools and centers, such as their address, website, hours of operation, and principal or director’s name.
The school profiles will include the overall performance scores and traditionally reported metrics like assessment results, graduation rates and college enrollment. In addition, for the first time, data regarding teacher workforce, student discipline, and student attendance will also be included. In subsequent years, the Louisiana School Finder will expand to provide information on student progress and include an interests and opportunities index indicating how schools fare in offering enriching activities to their students.

Early childhood performance profiles are also a new feature this year. The overall performance ratings are derived from an observation-based evaluation system and reported in four categories–Excellent, Proficient, Approaching Proficient and Unsatisfactory. In addition to the overall rating, the performance profiles provide a snapshot of each center’s educator workforce, student-to-teacher ratios, and curriculum quality.


Por eltiempo

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