La devastación causada por el huracán Michael se enfocó el jueves con filas y filas de casas destrozadas, y equipos de rescate que luchan por abrirse camino en las áreas afectadas con la esperanza de dar cuenta de cientos de personas que pueden haberse quedado atrás.Se atribuyó al menos tres muertes a Michael, el huracán más poderoso que golpeó los EE. UU. En más de 50 años, y aún no se había hecho: aunque reducido a una tormenta tropical, provocó inundaciones repentinas en Carolina del Norte y Virginia, áreas de remojo Todavía se está recuperando del huracán Florencia

Bloques enteros de casas cerca de la playa fueron borrados, reducidos a losas de concreto en la arena. Las filas y filas de otras casas se convirtieron en montones de madera astillada o se arrugaron y se desplomaron en ángulos extraños. Techos enteros fueron arrancados y arrojados a una carretera.
«¿Crees que su cuerpo estaría aquí? ¿Crees que habría flotado?» Preguntó McPherson.
«Sé que solo quieres ir a casa. Quieres verificar las cosas y comenzar el proceso de recuperación», dijo Scott. Pero «tenemos que asegurarnos de que las cosas estén seguras».
Más de 900,000 hogares y negocios en Florida, Alabama, Georgia y las Carolinas
Changed Forever’: Florida Panhandle devastated by Michael
The devastation inflicted by Hurricane Michael came into focus Thursday with rows upon rows of homes found smashed to pieces, and rescue crews struggling to make their way into the stricken areas in hopes of accounting for hundreds of people who may have stayed behind.
At least three deaths were blamed on Michael, the most powerful hurricane to hit the continental U.S. in over 50 years, and it wasn’t done yet: Though reduced to a tropical storm, it brought flash flooding to North Carolina and Virginia, soaking areas still recovering from Hurricane Florence.Some of the worst damage was in Mexico Beach, where the hurricane crashed ashore Wednesday as a Category 4 monster with 155 mph (250 kph) winds and a storm surge of 9 feet (2.7 meters). Video from a drone revealed widespread devastation across the town of about 1,000 people.Entire blocks of homes near the beach were obliterated, reduced to concrete slabs in the sand. Rows and rows of other homes were turned into piles of splintered lumber or were crumpled and slumped at odd angles. Entire roofs were torn away and dropped onto a road.State officials said 285 people in Mexico Beach had defied a mandatory evacuation order ahead of the storm.

National Guard troops made their way into the ground-zero town and found 20 survivors Wednesday night, and more rescue crews were pushing into the area, with the fate of many residents unknown.The home was found smashed, with no sign of the woman.»Do you think her body would be here? Do you think it would have floated away?» McPherson asked.
As thousands of National Guard troops, law enforcement officers and medical teams fanned out, the governor pleaded with people in the devastated areas to stay away for now because of hazards that included fallen trees and power lines.

Over 900,000 homes and businesses in Florida, Alabama, Georgia and the Carolinas

Por JCmedia